Commanders Community of War2Victory

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Bug in general intelligence during edit transaction amin 2014-7-11 014 amin 2014-7-11 17:06
Vote Should we be allowed to show battle details when showing off our battle report? Vynchor 2014-6-26 1049 KiLdoN 2014-7-9 13:03
Reward HELP!!! How is SR calculated 新人帖 - [Resolved]  ...2 THEFARMER 2014-6-16 1163 daveyfc16 2014-7-9 04:44
Reward How to j - [Resolved]  ...2 Warman 2014-7-2 1846 Warman 2014-7-8 07:44
About spam and earning gold Ivan 2014-6-6 274 JL78 2014-7-6 13:38
Vote Rewards posts JL78 2014-6-29 336 daveyfc16 2014-7-6 04:54
Reward Sup - [Resolved] percy 2014-6-8 959 Briar 2014-7-5 22:23
Vote Jackpots to become available in store S35 新人帖 N⚽️⚽️B 2014-6-14 852 Squirrel 2014-7-5 22:17
Vote Online Instant Chat instead of mail GM  ...2 N⚽️⚽️B 2014-6-14 1573 JL78 2014-7-5 01:20
Lvling ofc fast  ...23 percy 2014-6-15 2260 JL78 2014-7-3 18:34
Tips and tricks no.4  ...2 percy 2014-6-22 1494 imahottie 2014-7-3 03:41
Alternate way to build up alts JL78 2014-6-20 457 JL78 2014-7-2 12:52
Jewelry needed for each rank attach_img  ...2 JL78 2014-6-30 1253 khunbros 2014-7-2 08:02
A Guide to every unit in war 2 victory agree Kevin 2014-6-13 852 Dormin 2014-6-27 21:55
Vote New Server TYPE 新人帖  ...234 JSRocket 2014-5-29 31160 WalknDead 2014-6-27 12:34
Vote Vote for the top new features! 新人帖  ...2 WalknDead 2014-6-17 1997 daveyfc16 2014-6-27 12:33
HE server merge 新人帖  ...2 Termi 2014-5-30 1981 daveyfc16 2014-6-27 12:29
Creating alts JL78 2014-6-24 444 JL78 2014-6-24 23:15
honor rank an shop 新人帖 oldhamer 2014-6-21 425 oldhamer 2014-6-22 03:16
City setup pt. 2 JL78 2014-6-21 035 JL78 2014-6-21 11:31
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