Commanders Community of War2Victory

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Better Balance in Trucing Belly 2014-7-23 631 Dormin 2014-7-27 06:23
GM have f u c k e d up there cash cow ETAMH 2014-7-24 319 JoeMasWolf 2014-7-26 10:57
IVAN ONLINE AGAIN STILL NO REPLYS attach_img ETAMH 2014-7-24 417 JoeMasWolf 2014-7-26 10:56
Vote Hey guys i want you to ask which is a better dodge when getting hit by a big ... 新人帖  ...23 percy 2014-5-30 29137 JoeMasWolf 2014-7-26 10:55
Hahahahahaha ETAMH 2014-7-24 419 JoeMasWolf 2014-7-26 10:51
F U C K GM AND IVAN THE MUTE F U C K GM AND IVAN THE MUTE F U C K GM AND IVA... ETAMH 2014-7-24 215 JoeMasWolf 2014-7-26 10:50
I finally got my officer name change but your still a w a n k e r IVAN ETAMH 2014-7-25 114 JoeMasWolf 2014-7-26 10:49
Vote Is Ivan a w a n k e r ETAMH 2014-7-17 251 N⚽️⚽️B 2014-7-26 10:34
Vote What is your favorite unit? 新人帖  ...2 Kevin 2014-5-30 1875 daveyfc16 2014-7-25 01:28
How to build an alt to 2 mill for FREE diamonds attach_img agree  ...23456..9 Dormin 2014-6-14 82439 KiLdoN 2014-7-25 00:00
Finishing what you started 新人帖 Belly 2014-7-23 635 KiLdoN 2014-7-24 23:58
IVAN ONLINE AGSIN AND STILL BLANKING attach_img ETAMH 2014-7-23 324 Dormin 2014-7-23 21:17
Ofc training guide ios 新人帖 agree  ...23 smprfiguy 2014-5-30 24151 KiLdoN 2014-7-23 09:24
What is/are the best perk for you? ricky_xb 2014-6-15 847 KiLdoN 2014-7-23 09:23
Reward NEED HELP!!!!! - [Resolved] W2VKING 2014-6-13 421 KiLdoN 2014-7-23 09:22
Commander/s you don't like most? Reason!!!! ricky_xb 2014-6-15 946 KiLdoN 2014-7-23 09:20
Vote ATTENTION! HUGE PROBLEM! agree  ...2345 JSRocket 2014-5-31 42204 KiLdoN 2014-7-23 09:16
Reward When u have advantage, attack online or offine the enemy? 新人帖 - [Resolved] yoyo 2014-6-17 624 AlittleFat 2014-7-22 21:24
How to save food?  ...2 Cube 2014-6-14 1149 DBH 2014-7-22 20:59
what are expectations about world cup 新人帖 Egypt 2014-6-19 14 DBH 2014-7-22 20:55
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